FM/FN Match Symbol 623-05-15-95
(Revised 10/1/21 ML #3637)
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FM and FN payment match symbols are only used for Title IV-E eligible children under the custody of a Human Service Zone or Division of Juvenile Services (DJS) and do not include children under the custody of a Tribe.
The match symbol of “FM” must be used for payment authorization for Title IV-E children in licensed/approved primary placements. FM cannot be used when a child is in receipt of SSI or in a secondary placement.
The match symbol of “FN” (state general funds) must be used for the payment authorization for months in which SSI is received. Children Title IV-E eligible in receipt of SSI will remain Title IV-E eligible, but are non-reimbursable with Title IV-E funds. Title IV-E and SSI are both federally funded programs and policy prohibits claiming reimbursement from two separate federally funded programs for the same expenditures.
The match symbol of “FN” (state general funds) must be used for the payment authorization for all Title IV-E secondary placements.